Get Involved

Why Join The GEM Centre?


The Centre for Global Equity in Emergency Medicine (GEM), is an organization based within the Divisions of Emergency Medicine at the University of Toronto. Founded over 10 years ago, it brings together emergency medicine physicians and other health professionals who have an interest in global health and health equity both locally and globally.

Membership within GEM will provide you with an academic home within Emergency Medicine and will offer opportunities to both collaborate on education and research projects and join a like-minded Community of Practice. We look forward to hearing from you regarding your current global health and health equity work as well as what you would be interested in participating in in the future. 


Online GEM Membership Registration Form

To join GEM, please complete this brief online registration form.

If you have any questions regarding GEM Membership please contact Elayna Fremes ( 

Description of GEM Membership Categories and Benefits

Within GEM we have 3 categories of membership: General Members, Partner Members, and Resident Members.